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Nutritional value of nori

Release time:2023-07-04      Number of clicks:65

The benefits of nori are not only in terms of nutrition, but also its health care effect is more commendable.

British researchers discovered in the 1990s that nori kills cancer cells and boosts immunity. Phycobilin contained in nori has the prospect of hypoglycemic and anti-tumor application, and polysaccharide has the biological activities of anti-aging, anti-lipid, anti-tumor and so on. Alginic acid in nori also helps remove toxic metals from the body, such as strontium and cadmium. Medical personnel have also developed Marine drugs and health foods with unique activities from nori, which can effectively prevent nerve aging and regulate the body's metabolism. In addition, nori can prevent and treat peptic ulcers, delay aging, and help women keep their skin lubricated and healthy. Folk also often let postpartum women eat some seaweed folk recipe, is said to have obvious prolactin effect. There's also weight loss.

Nori is very light and can only eat a few grams to a dozen grams per day, so it does not mean much in terms of providing protein and fat. In contrast, its significance in providing trace elements is more valued by people.

Seaweed although there are various benefits, but Chinese medicine that seaweed taste salty, cold, can clear heat, phlegm, diuretic, summer eat more seaweed have heat, the role of the body, hypertension patients, tuberculosis, beri patients, lung heat phlegm people suitable for eating more seaweed, but the spleen and stomach deficiency cold, easy abdominal distension people should not eat more. Because nori is seasoned in processing and contains more salt, people who need to control salt should also appropriately restrain the amount of seasoned nori, and can appropriately eat some nori slices without seasoning.

Dry nori salt and MSG content is very high, should not be long-term continuous consumption, it is best not to more than 1 two. Especially young children and people with high blood pressure, do not eat often, and drink water in time after eating.

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